Through three episodes, we've seen Jemaine forsake Bret for a girl, Jemaine not say a word as Bret gets kicked out of the band and Bret abandon Jemaine while being chased by muggers.
These guys are in serious need of some relationship counseling.
Episode 3 made us laugh out loud several times. We see the boys on the mean streets of NYC where they basically show us that they're big wussies. Of course, we probably would have been right behind them running away from the muggers.
The show also gives us our first Sopranos tie-in with the guest appearance of Lenny Venito, who plays a mugger. Venito had a reoccurring role on Sopranos as one of Christopher Moltisanto's buddies from AA.
We also could have sworn that the other mugger in the episode played an elf in Lord of the Rings. We would have bet money on it. And we would have lost.
We loved episode 3, though we still have an unanswered question: Why was Jemaine in jail?
Here's what they're saying about Episode 3:
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