Monday, June 11, 2007

Top 10 reasons to see the FOTC

This is buzz week for the Flight of the Conchords. On Monday, they appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman where they performed The Most Beautiful Girl in the Room. We're sure someone will post a Letterman video clip before the day is up but, for now, we've posted a clip of the song from the first episode.

The lyrics are hilarious:

Looking at the room,
I can tell that you
are the most beautiful girl in the . . . room
in the whole wide room
and when you are on the street
depending on the street
I bet you are definitely in the top 3
good-looking girls on the street,
depending on the street.

HBO's "soft opening" (the first episode is available on the HBO website) is also showing to be a keen marketing strategy as the buzz on the Internet continues to build in anticipation of Sunday's network premiere.

The NY Times interviewed Bret and Jemaine where the duo talks about their early years in New Zealand. And on the blogs:

Lines through lines makes the point that FOTC are reminiscent of Tenancious D . . . Emonome called the FOTC earlier performance on HBO's One Night Stand, laugh out loud funny. The post includes a clip from that show . . .Well, now that we mention Tenancious D ... seems like others, like Deadbeat Jones, are making the connection.


Anonymous said...

Nothing against Tenacious D., but Conchords are way funnier.

Amateur at work said...

This is the best series this year! never have I laughed this hard in a long time. Affirmative !!!
The final song " I am not crying" is hil-a-reee-us.